Python Data Analysis(Second Edition)

Visualizing data using Matplotlib

We shall learn about visualizing the data in a later chapter. For now, let's try loading two sample datasets and building a basic plot. First, install the sklearn library from which we shall load the data using the following command:

$ pip3 install scikit-learn 

Import the datasets using the following command:

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.datasets import load_boston 

Import the Matplotlib plotting module:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline 

Load the iris dataset, print the description of the dataset, and plot column 1 (sepal length) as x and column 2 (sepal width) as y:

iris = load_iris() 

The resulting plot will look like the following image:

Load the boston dataset, print the description of the dataset and plot column 3 (proportion of non-retail business) as x and column 5 (nitric oxide concentration) as y, each point on the plot marked with a + sign:

boston = load_boston()

The resulting plot will look like the following image: