Android Manifest file
Another important concept while making an Android app or a game is the Android Manifest file. To explain this file simply, it contains all the rules or, in more generalized terms, Permissions needed for an app. You must have observed on Google Play Store that, before you download any app, you are prompted with a dialog box that tells you what permissions are needed for the app to run. These permissions are basic rules that are needed to be fed in the Android Manifest file in order to have a transparency to let your user know what information is going to be taken from them. So, for instance, if an app requires access to the Internet, then it is required for the developer to make sure that they include the Internet permission in the manifest file. If the developer does not write this permission in the manifest file, then the app will not be able to access the said functionality, and the same goes for accessing contacts, gallery, camera, and everything else.
These are the three most important things you need to keep in mind before you start developing any Android game or an app.
In the next chapter, we will get started with our first project on Android Studio.