What this book covers
Chapter 1, Shell Something Out, explains how to use a command line, write and debug bash scripts, and use pipes and shell configuration.
Chapter 2, Have a Good Command, introduces common Linux commands that can be used from the command line or in bash scripts. It also explains how to read data from files; find files by name, type, or date; and compare files.
Chapter 3, File In, File Out, explains how to work with files, including finding and comparing files, searching for text, navigating directory hierarchy, and manipulating image and video files.
Chapter 4, Texting and Driving, explains how to use regular expressions with awk, sed, and grep.
Chapter 5, Tangled Web? Not At All!, explains web interactions without a browser! It also explains how to script to check your website for broken links and download and parse HTML data.
Chapter 6, Repository Management, introduces revision control with Git or Fossil. Keep track of the changes and maintain history.
Chapter 7, The Backup Plan, discusses traditional and modern Linux backup tools. The bigger the disk, the more you need backups.
Chapter 8, The Old-Boy Network, explains how to configure and debug network issues, share a network, and create a VPN.
Chapter 9, Putting on the Monitor's Cap, helps us know what your system is doing. It also explains how to track disk and memory usage, track logins, and examine log files.
Chapter 10, Administration Calls, explains how to manage tasks, send messages to users, schedule automated tasks, document your work, and use terminals effectively.
Chapter 11, Tracing the Clues, explains how to snoop your network to find network issues and track problems in libraries and system calls.
Chapter 12, Tuning a Linux System, helps us understand how to make your system perform better and use memory, disk, I/O, and CPU efficiently.
Chapter 13, Containers, Virtual Machines, and the Cloud, explains when and how to use containers, virtual machines, and the cloud to distribute applications and share data.