Passing arguments to commands
Most applications accept arguments in different formats. Suppose -p and -v are the options available, and -k N is another option that takes a number. Also, the command requires a filename as argument. This application can be executed in multiple ways:
- $ command -p -v -k 1 file
- $ command -pv -k 1 file
- $ command -vpk 1 file
- $ command file -pvk 1
Within a script, the command-line arguments can be accessed by their position in the command line. The first argument will be $1, the second $2, and so on.
This script will display the first three command line arguments:
echo $1 $2 $3
It's more common to iterate through the command arguments one at a time. The shift command shifts eachh argument one space to the left, to let a script access each argument as $1. The following code displays all the command-line values:
$ cat showArgs.sh for i in `seq 1 $#` do echo $i is $1 shift done $ sh showArgs.sh a b c 1 is a 2 is b 3 is c