A tour of the village
After doing all that work getting the project loaded; okay, perhaps not so much work as waiting, let's load the project scene and take a quick tour of the asset by following the directions here:
- Click on the Scenes folder in the Project window and then double-click on the The_Viking_Village.unity file to open the scene. The screenshot here shows the Project window:
Opening the project scene
- After the scene loads, you will notice that the Hierarchy window is now filled with objects. Click on the Scene view tab to open the view and you should now see something very similar to what is shown in the following screenshot:
Hierarchy window and Scene view
- Press the editor play button, as shown in the preceding screenshot to start the scene and run the game.
- As the game is running, the Game view will automatically present itself. Use the following commands to move around the game and explore the environment and features:
- W, A, S, D: The standard first person movement commands. Use these keys or the arrow keys to move around the scene.
- Mouse: This controls the look direction.
- Spacebar: This is used to jump up. Quickly taping the Spacebar key will cause the camera to hover/fly while in manual mode.
- C: This toggles between a controlled camera walkthrough and the manual or keyboard movement (first person).
- Esc: This exits the mouse lock and makes the mouse visible in the editor again.
- Take your time to explore the environment and feel free to move around as much as you like. When you are ready to move on, press the Esc key to make the mouse visible again and then press the play button again to stop the game running.
- Hopefully, you noticed, as you were moving around the game, how quiet everything was. Fortunately, that makes this scene the perfect canvas for us to develop our own game audio. This is exactly what we will do for the next several chapters in this book.
Installing Unity and getting your first project loaded is a great first step to becoming a Unity game developer. Congratulate yourself for your patience in spending the time to work through this section. In the next section, we will get back to more audio development basics.