ASP.NET Core 2 High Performance(Second Edition)

Getting started with .NET Core on Linux

We're going to mix things up a little and show how versatile and multiplatform .NET Core is. In the following section, we will demonstrate how to develop a .NET Core app on an Ubuntu Server VM running on Azure, using just the command line and no window manager.

This will be very similar to how you might set things up on any Debian-based distribution, including Ubuntu, Mint, and Raspbian (for Raspberry Pi). The fact that the Raspberry Pi uses a custom ARM processor rather than a traditional Intel x86 CPU does not matter. When Mono was initially ported to the Pi, there were issues with the specialist hardware-based floating-point implementation, but this is no longer an issue with .NET Core.

We will be using a command-line text editor, and it would be foolish to get into the Emacs versus vi debate here, so use whatever you prefer. This setup might make a good workflow if you use a tablet (such as an iPad with a Bluetooth keyboard) to connect to a cloud server over SSH or Mosh. However, if you are working locally and want a graphical editor in your X11/Wayland desktop environment of choice, then you could run VS Code or JetBrains Rider. No doubt you will be using terminal windows a lot too.