Tools of the trade
The tools and technologies used by individuals to access and consume data can vary significantly depending upon an assortment of factors such as the following:
- The type of business
- The type of business problem (or opportunity)
- Security or legal requirements
- Hardware and software compatibilities and/or perquisites
- The type and use of data
- The specifics around the user communities
- Corporate policies
- Price

In an ever-changing technology climate, the data developer and data scientist have ever more, and perhaps overwhelming, choices including very viable open source options.
Open source software is software developed by and for the user community. The good news is that open source software is used in the vast majority, or 78 percent, of worldwide businesses today—Vaughan-Nichols, http://www.zdnet.com/. Open source is playing a continually important role in data science.
When we talk about tools and technologies, both the data developer and the data scientist will be equally involved in choosing the correct tool or technology that best fits their individual likes and dislikes and meets the requirements of the project or objective.