About the Author
Arvind Ravulavaru is a platform architect at Ubiconn IoT Solutions, with over 9 years of experience in software development and 2 years in hardware and product development. For the last 5 years, he has been working extensively on JavaScript, both on the server side and the client side, and for the last couple of years in IoT, building a platform for rapidly developing IoT solutions, named the IoT Suitcase. Prior to this, he has worked on big data, cloud computing, and orchestration.
Arvind has already written couple of books named Learning Ionic and Learning Ionic - Second Edition, which talks about building Mobile Hybrid applications using Ionic framework v1, v2, and v3.
First off, I would like to thank all the people who have purchased my Learning Ionic and Learning Ionic second edition books. The support from you guys has been tremendous. I really appreciate it. I would like to thank the Packt team for doing an amazing job in releasing and promoting the book. A very special thanks to my 4-month-old lab, Dexter for letting me write my book without bothering much to play with him at nights. Thanks to the team at Ubiconn IoT Solutions who were behind me in getting this book out. Special thanks to Ramesh Noothi, for helping me set up the hardware as well Nagesh Adicharla, who has also created all the schematic images for the book.
Last but not the least, thanks to the entire team at Packt for supporting me. I sincerely thank my content development editor, Eisha Dsouza and technical editor, Varsha Shivhare for their awesome support. Thanks to Reshma Raman and the production team for taking the book to press. Special thanks to my family, without whose support this book wouldn’t have been possible. Thank you.