IoT use cases
Now that you have a feel for IoT, you can imagine the literally infinite possibilities that can be built using this piece of technology.
Based on my observations, IoT use cases can be crudely classified into three parts:
- Problem solving
- Convenience
- Showing off
The problem solving part comes in where IoT is used to solve a real-world problem, for instance, a farmer whose farm is located half a kilometre from their home, and they have to walk all the way to the farm to turn on their water pumps/motors . Another scenario is where a post-operation patient's vital statistics can be sent to the hospital periodically after his/her discharge, to monitor the patient for any abnormalities. This is where IoT fits in pretty well.
Convenience is where you can turn on your air conditioner 30 mins before you reach your home so you can chill as you enter or unlock your door from your work if someone you know knocks at your door and you are not nearby.
showing off is where you go to another country just to turn on or off your porch light, just to show that IoT works.
All of them are forms of consumption of this technology.
In this book, we will look at covering a few solutions that fall into previous use cases.