The world of IoT
Imagine a scenario where you have run out of milk; you have noticed it and put it on your shopping list. But due to unforeseen reasons, you forgot to buy milk; well, you don't have milk for the next day.
Now imagine another scenario: you have a smart fridge, and it noticed that you are running out of milk, puts milk on your shopping list, and then updates your GPS route to come home via the supermarket, but you still forget it.
You have to now face the wrath of your refrigerator.
Now that things are getting real, imagine another situation where your fridge has skipped the middleman, you, and now directly places an order on Amazon, and Amazon delivers it by the time you need your breakfast the next day.
Scenario three is what is we are after. Let one machine talk to another machine and take decisions accordingly; things such as the type of milk, quantity, and expiry date are automatically validated before purchase.
We humans are now using the world of connected devices and smart devices to make our lives better.