Cacti Beginner's Guide(Second Edition)

Time for action - adding a host template to the device

Let's now add a host template to the device you just created:

  1. Go back to the device overview page by clicking on the Devices link under the Management menu.
  2. Click on the device (the description) you have just created.
  3. In the Host Template drop-down box, select a template that fits your device best.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. Note the additional entries in the Associated Graph Templates and Associated Data Queries fields:

By selecting a host template for the device, you have added a pre-defined package of graph templates and data queries to the host. This is a convenient way of reducing the administrative tasks of adding these manually through the provided drop-down lists. You will come back to templates later in the book, so you do not have to fully understand the concept of templates right now.