Understanding the event loop
The following three points are important to remember, as we break down the event loop:
- The event loop runs in the same (single) thread your JavaScript code runs in. Blocking the event loop means blocking the entire thread.
- You don't start and/or stop the event loop. The event loop starts as soon as a process starts, and ends when no further callbacks remain to be performed. The event loop may, therefore, run forever.
- The event loop delegates many I/O operations to libuv, which manages these operations (using the power of the OS itself, such as thread pools), notifying the event loop when results are available. An easy-to-reason-about single-threaded programming model is reinforced with the efficiency of multithreading.
For example, the following while loop will never terminate:
let stop = false;
setTimeout(() => {
stop = true;
}, 1000);
while (stop === false) {};
Even though one might expect, in approximately one second, the assignment of a Boolean true to the variable stop, tripping the while conditional and interrupting its loop; this will never happen. Why? This while loop starves the event loop by running infinitely, greedily checking and rechecking a value that is never given a chance to change, as the event loop is never given a chance to schedule our timer callback for execution. This proves the event loop (which manages timers), and runs on the same thread.
According to the Node documentation, "The event loop is what allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations — despite the fact that JavaScript is single-threaded — by offloading operations to the system kernel whenever possible." The key design choice made by Node's designers was the implementation of an event loop as a concurrency manager. For example, notifying your Node-based HTTP server of network connections to your local hardware is handled by the OS passing along, via libuv, network interface events.
The following description of event-driven programming (taken from: http://www.princeton.edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/Event-driven_programming.html) clearly not only describes the event-driven paradigm, but also introduces us to how events are handled in Node, and how JavaScript is an ideal language for such a paradigm.
In computer programming, event-driven programming or event-based programming is a programming paradigm in which the flow of the program is determined by events—that is, sensor outputs or user actions (mouse clicks, key presses) or messages from other programs or threads. Event-driven programming can also be defined as an application architecture technique in which the application has a main loop that is clearly pided down to two sections: the first is event selection (or event detection), and the second is event handling […]. Event-driven programs can be written in any language, although the task is easier in languages that provide high-level abstractions, such as closures. Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQnz4QHNZKc for more information.
Node makes a single thread more efficient by delegating many blocking operations to OS subsystems to process, bothering the main V8 thread only when there is data available for use. The main thread (your executing Node program) expresses interest in some data (such as via fs.readFile) by passing a callback, and is notified when that data is available. Until that data arrives, no further burden is placed on V8's main JavaScript thread. How? Node delegates I/O work to libuv, as quoted at: http://nikhilm.github.io/uvbook/basics.html#event-loops.
In event-driven programming, an application expresses interest in certain events, and responds to them when they occur. The responsibility of gathering events from the operating system or monitoring other sources of events is handled by libuv, and the user can register callbacks to be invoked when an event occurs.
Matteo Collina has created an interesting module for benchmarking the event loop, which is available at: https://github.com/mcollina/loopbench.
Consider the following code:
const fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('foo.js', {encoding:'utf8'}, (err, fileContents) => {
console.log('Then the contents are available', fileContents);
console.log('This happens first');
The output of this program is:
> This happens first
> Then the contents are available, [file contents shown]
Here's what Node does when executing this program:
- A process object is created in C++ using the V8 API. The Node.js runtime is then imported into this V8 process.
- The fs module is attached to the Node runtime. V8 exposes C++ to JavaScript. This provides access to native filesystem bindings for your JavaScript code.
- The fs.readFile method has passed instructions and a JavaScript callback. Through fs.binding, libuv is notified of the file read request, and is passed a specially prepared version of the callback sent by the original program.
- libuv invokes the OS-level functions necessary to read a file.
- The JavaScript program continues, printing This happens first. Because there is a callback outstanding, the event loop continues to spin, waiting for that callback to resolve.
- When the file descriptor has been fully read by the OS, libuv (via internal mechanisms) is informed, and the callback passed to libuv is invoked, which essentially prepares the original JavaScript callback for re-entrance into the main (V8) thread.
- The original JavaScript callback is pushed onto the event loop, and is invoked on a near-future tick of the loop.
- The file contents are printed to the console.
- As there are no further callbacks in flight, the process exits.
Here, we see the key ideas that Node implements to achieve fast, manageable, and scalable I/O. If, for example, there were 10 read calls made for foo.js in the preceding program, the execution time would, nevertheless, remain roughly the same. Each call will be managed by libuv as efficiently as possible (by, for example, parallelizing the calls using threads). Even though we wrote our code in JavaScript, we are actually deploying a very efficient multithreaded execution engine while avoiding the difficulties of OS asynchronous process management.
Now that we know how a filesystem operation might work, let's dig into how every type of asynchronous operation Node capable of spawning is treated on the event loop.