Dynamics 365 Application Development

Saving, validating, and publishing changes in the site map

To reflect any of the preceding changes for the users, such as add, clone, delete, and so on, we need to click Save and then Publish it in the Site Map Designer canvas. Here, *Draft indicates that there are unsaved changes:

On saving the changes and clicking on Publish, it changes to Published to indicate that changes have been applied and are available for the users to see:

Clicking on the Save button will also validate and show up if there are any errors in the site map. For example, if we have not provided values for any of the required fields or specified unallowed characters for any of the properties. In the following screenshot, we have not provided a value for the entity property in the Subarea and clicked on Save, which is a mandatory field:

This shows the ERROR MESSAGE notification in the designer with all the details. We will only be able to save and then publish the changes after fixing the error.