Running tests in addInt_test.go
Let's now run the tests in this file, and we are expecting each of the row in the testCases table, which we ran, to be treated as a separate test:
$ go test -v ./{addInt.go,addInt_test.go} === RUN TestAddInt === RUN TestAddInt/addInt()_->_0 === RUN TestAddInt/addInt([]int{10,_20,_100})_->_130 --- PASS: TestAddInt (0.00s) --- PASS: TestAddInt/addInt()_->_0 (0.00s) addInt_test.go:23: 0 == 0 --- PASS: TestAddInt/addInt([]int{10,_20,_100})_->_130 (0.00s) addInt_test.go:23: 130 == 130 PASS ok command-line-arguments 0.001s