The need for testing web applications
With the huge number of internet-facing websites and the increase in the number of organizations doing business online, web applications and web servers make an attractive target for attackers. Web applications are everywhere across public and private networks, so attackers don't need to worry about a lack of targets. Only a web browser is required to interact with a web application. Some of the defects in web applications, such as logic flaws, can be exploited even by a layman. For example, due to bad implementation of logic, if a company has an e-commerce website that allows the user to add items to their cart after the checkout process and a malicious user finds this out through trial and error, they would then be able to exploit this easily without needing any special tools.
Vulnerabilities in web applications also provide a means for spreading malware and viruses, and these can spread across the globe in a matter of minutes. Cybercriminals realize considerable financial gains by exploiting web applications and installing malware that will then be passed on to the application's users.
Firewalls at the edge are more permissive to inbound HTTP traffic flowing towards the web server, so the attacker does not require any special ports to be open. The HTTP protocol, which was designed many years ago, does not provide any built-in security features; it's a cleartext protocol, and it requires the additional layering of using the HTTPS protocol in order to secure communication. It also does not provide individual session identification, and it leaves it to the developer to design it in. Many developers are hired directly out of college, and they have only theoretical knowledge of programming languages and no prior experience with the security aspects of web application programming. Even when the vulnerability is reported to the developers, they take a long time to fix it as they are busier with the feature creation and enhancement portion of the web application.
Investing resources in writing secure code is an effective method for minimizing web application vulnerabilities. However, writing secure code is easy to say but difficult to implement.