ROI with vRealize Operations
There is a lot of promise in the Internet of Things (IoT) as a means to create business value, but there is also a lot of hype. In fact, an unclear business benefit is one of the top barriers to IoT efforts overall.
Why do we make business investments?
The short answer is, we make business investments because, after all, this is the cost of doing business. This is the cost you have to pay to be able to stay in business.
How do we stay in business?
By making smart decisions guided by intelligent and reliable information. The main drivers that affect the ability to stay in business are the following:
- Reducing costs
- Improving price-to-performance ratios
- Lowering risk, or in other words, increasing the change to avoid failures that can lead to catastrophic costs for the business
As IT leaders continue to struggle with translating value into business terms, they need a simple language with relevant and reliable metrics to not only be able to stay in business, but also to grow the business by increasing business revenue growth and enhancing products, services, and experiences for customers. And for those who are looking for new market and product horizons, this will help you transform your business and stay competitive, or even become a market leader.
What tools do we need to stay in business?
In the IT world, it really helps to achieve those business goals by helping out your IT by giving the infrastructure and application teams the tools that will enable them to perform:
- Application-aware monitoring: Accelerate time to value, and troubleshoot smarter with native integrations, unified visibility from applications to infrastructure health, and actionable insights combining metrics and logs.
- Automated and proactive workload management: Simplify and streamline operations with the fully automated management of infrastructure and applications performance, while retaining full control. Automatically balance workloads, avoid contention and enable proactive detection and automatic remediation of issues and anomalies before end users are impacted.
- Capacity planning and optimization: Optimize cost and resource usage through capacity management, reclamation, and right-sizing, improve planning and forecasting, and enforce IT and configuration standards.
The VMware vRealize Operations product portfolio provides the necessary functionality to satisfy the above use cases. It delivers a complete intelligent operations solution that is designed to help customers plan, manage, and scale their SDDC and multi-cloud environments to meet business needs.
VMware commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study, and examine the potential ROI enterprises may realize when deploying intelligent operations solution. Working with four VMware customers, Forrester identified and quantified the key benefits of investing in this intelligent operations solution, including the following:
- A 20% improvement in operational efficiency
- Over 10% savings in hardware costs
- A 75% reduction in unplanned downtime
The TEI study demonstrates quantifiable ROI of 119%, a payback period of 3 months, and $1.4M NPV over 3 years.
If you would like to estimate the potential 3-year cost savings and benefits of deploying and using the tools included in this intelligent operations solution, use the vRealize Intelligent Operations Estimator Tool at https://tools.totaleconomicimpact.com/go/vmware/vrops/.