Data files used as examples in this book
Throughout the book, most of our examples will be taking their input from two sample data files. The first one is emp.dat, which represents the sample employee information database. It consists of the following columns from left to right, each separated by a single tab:
- Employee's first name
- Last name
- Phone number
- Email address
- Gender
- Department
- Salary in USD
Jack Singh 9857532312 jack@gmail.com M hr 2000
Jane Kaur 9837432312 jane@gmail.com F hr 1800
Eva Chabra 8827232115 eva@gmail.com F lgs 2100
Amit Sharma 9911887766 amit@yahoo.com M lgs 2350
Julie Kapur 8826234556 julie@yahoo.com F Ops 2500
Ana Khanna 9856422312 anak@hotmail.com F Ops 2700
Hari Singh 8827255666 hari@yahoo.com M Ops 2350
Victor Sharma 8826567898 vics@hotmail.com M Ops 2500
John Kapur 9911556789 john@gmail.com M hr 2200
Billy Chabra 9911664321 bily@yahoo.com M lgs 1900
Sam khanna 8856345512 sam@hotmail.com F lgs 2300
Ginny Singh 9857123466 ginny@yahoo.com F hr 2250
Emily Kaur 8826175812 emily@gmail.com F Ops 2100
Amy Sharma 9857536898 amys@hotmail.com F Ops 2500
Vina Singh 8811776612 vina@yahoo.com F lgs 2300
The second file used is cars.dat, which represents the sample car dealer database. It consists of the following columns from left to right, each separated by a single tab.
- Car's make
- Model
- Year of manufacture
- Mileage in kilometers
- Price in lakhs
The data from the file is illustrated as follows:
maruti swift 2007 50000 5
honda city 2005 60000 3
maruti dezire 2009 3100 6
chevy beat 2005 33000 2
honda city 2010 33000 6
chevy tavera 1999 10000 4
toyota corolla 1995 95000 2
maruti swift 2009 4100 5
maruti esteem 1997 98000 1
ford ikon 1995 80000 1
honda accord 2000 60000 2
fiat punto 2007 45000 3
Any other sample file, if used, will be shared in the corresponding chapter before using it in any example. Our next section demonstrates AWK command usages with examples.