Mastering Office 365 Administration

Connecting to Skype for Business

Like Exchange Online, Skype for Business has its own module that uses remote PowerShell sessions. Similarly, you will be prompted if you don't provide a value for $Credentials. You might also need to specify the UserPrincipalName that corresponds to the credentials you provide—although it's not 100% clear exactly why this is necessary.

Connecting is fairly straightforward, as the example here shows:

Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Connect to Skype for Business Online"
$global:S4bSession = New-CsOnlineSession -Verbose <# :$VerbosePreference #>
-Credential $Credentials
Import-PSSession $global:S4bSession -Verbose <# :$VerbosePreference | Out-Null #>

With Skype for Business, things get a bit complicated if you're trying to connect to a site through delegated admin access. This involves providing values for the -OverrideAdminDomain parameter (but not -OverrideDiscoveryUri or -OverridePowerShellUri). We'll cover this in detail in just a bit.

Here's the resulting output: