Exploiting human errors by compromising Password Managers
Having the highest level of privileges, let's perform some post-exploitation as follows:

It is always great to look for the various kinds of applications installed on the target system, since some of the apps may have saved credentials to other parts of the network. Enumerating the list of installed applications, we can see that we have WinSCP 5.7, which is a popular SSH and SFTP client. Metasploit can harvest saved credentials from WinSCP software. Let's run the post/windows/gather/credentials/winscp module and check whether we have some of the saved credentials in the WinSCP software:

Amazing! We have a rescued credential for another host in the network, which is The good news is the saved credentials are for the root account, so if we gain access to this system, it will be with the highest level of privilege. Let's use the found credentials in the ssh_login module as follows:

Since we already know the username and password, let's set these options for the module along with the target IP address, as shown in the following screenshot:

Bingo! It's a successful login, and Metasploit has gained a system shell on it automatically. However, we can always escalate to the better quality of access using Meterpreter shells. Let's create another backdoor with msfvenom as follows:

The backdoor will listen for connections on port 1337. However, how do we transfer this backdoor to the compromised host? Remember, we ran the socks proxy auxiliary module and made changes to the configuration? Using the proxychains keyword as a suffix for most of the tools will force the tool to use the route through proxychains. So, to transfer such a file, we can make use of scp as shown in the following screenshot:

We can see that we have successfully transferred the file. Running the matching handler, similarly to what we did for the first system, we will have the connection from the target. Let's have an overview of all the targets and sessions we gained in this exercise as follows:

Throughout this practice real-world example, we compromised three systems and gained the highest possible privileges off them through local exploits, human errors, and exploiting software that runs with the highest possible privileges.