Enabling or disabling endpoints
By default in Spring Boot, all endpoints are enabled except /shutdown, but you can disable some of them. You can also enable the /shutdown endpoint.
In the application.properties file, it would look like this:
In the application.yml file, it would look like this:
endpoints: shutdown: enabled: true
Similarly, you can also disable any of the other endpoints as follows:
endpoints._endpoint-id.enabled = false
In the application.yml file, it would look like this:
endpoints: _endpoint-id: enabled: false
Let's suppose you want to disable the /health endpoint. Then in the application.properties file, you have to set the following property:
In application.yml, it would look like this:
endpoints: health: enabled: false
You can also disable all endpoints at once by setting the following property to false in the application.properties file:
In the application.yml file, it would look like this:
endpoints: enabled: false
As you can see, all endpoints will be disabled, so you can enable specific endpoints if you want to enable then by setting endpoints._endpoint-id.enabled = true.