Mutillidae installation
I'm assuming that you have already downloaded Mutillidae, as described previously. First, you will need to extract the compressed archive file. Right-click and select Extract Here from the menu.
Next, copy the mutillidae folder into the /opt/lampp/htdocs folder:

After copying the mutillidae folder, change your directory to /opt/lampp, and start the XAMPP servers:

Open the browser, type http://[Ubuntu IP Address]/mutillidae, and replace the IP address with your own local IP address on the Ubuntu host where you installed XAMPP. Or, simply use the localhost, if you're using the browser on your Ubuntu server. To get your local IP address on Linux, type the command ifconfig in your Terminal window:

Don't panic! When the page loads for the first time, it will ask you to set up the server. In order to do so, click on the setup/reset the DB link, and Mutillidae will be installed on the XAMPP server:

Perfect! Mutillidae is installed, with no errors, according to the pop-up message. All you need to do at this point is click on the OK button, and you will be redirected to the Mutillidae home page. Amazing, right?