Starting a new game
Next, the new_game() function will initialize everything for a new game:
func new_game():
playing = true
level = 1
score = 0
time_left = playtime
In addition to setting the variables to their starting values, this function calls the Player's start() function to ensure it moves to the proper starting location. The game timer is started, which will count down the remaining time in the game.
You also need a function that will create a number of coins based on the current level:
func spawn_coins():
for i in range(4 + level):
var c = Coin.instance()
c.screensize = screensize
c.position = Vector2(rand_range(0, screensize.x),
rand_range(0, screensize.y))
In this function, you create a number of instances of the Coin object (in code this time, rather than by clicking the Instance a Scene button), and add it as a child of the CoinContainer. Whenever you instance a new node, it must be added to the tree using add_child(). Finally, you pick a random location for the coin to appear in. You'll call this function at the start of every level, generating more coins each time.
Eventually, you'll want new_game() to be called when the player clicks the start button. For now, to test if everything is working, add new_game() to the end of your _ready() function and click Play the Project (F5). When you are prompted to choose a main scene, choose Main.tscn. Now, whenever you play the project, the Main scene will be started.
At this point, you should see your player and five coins appear on the screen. When the player touches a coin, it disappears.