Hands-On Ensemble Learning with R

Hands-On Ensemble Learning with R

Copyright © 2018 Packt Publishing

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Commissioning Editor: Sunith Shetty

Acquisition Editor: Tushar Gupta

Content Development Editor: Aaryaman Singh

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Project Coordinator: Manthan Patel

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First published: July 2018

Production reference: 1250718

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

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Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-78862-414-5


On the personal front, I continue to benefit from the support of my family: my daughter, Pranathi; my wife, Chandrika; and my parents, Lakshmi and Narayanachar. The difference in their support from acknowledgement in earlier books is that now I am in Chennai and they support me from Bengaluru. It involves a lot of sacrifice to allow a writer his private time with writing. I also thank my managers, K. Sridharan, Anirban Singha, and Madhu Rao, at Ford Motor Company for their support. Anirban had gone through some of the draft chapters and expressed confidence in the treatment of topics in the book.

My association with Packt is now six years and four books! This is the third title I have done with Tushar Gupta and it is needless to say that I enjoy working with him. Menka Bohra and Aaryaman Singh have put a lot of faith in my work and strived to accommodate the delays, so special thanks to both of them. Manthan Patel and Snehal Kolte have also extended their support. Finally, it is a great pleasure to thank Storm Mann for improving the language of the book. If you still come across a few mistakes, the blame is completely mine.

It is a pleasure to dedicate this book to them for all their support.

Hands-On Ensemble Learning with R


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