Spring Boot 2.0 Projects

Implementing the domain model

In order to successfully populate the createdUser property, the AuditAware interface needs to be implemented to supply the username and needs to be registered as a Spring Component. More on this in the Using Spring Security for authentication and authorization section.

Implementing the domain model Comment class using JPA annotations will look like the following:

@Table(name = "rb_comment")
public class Comment {

private Long id;

private String comment;

private CommentType type;

private Timestamp createdDate;

private String createdBy;


In the preceding code, the @Entity annotation is used to mark the Comment class as a JPA entity so that it will be eligible to be used in JPA persistence environment. The @Table annotation is used to mention the table name to which the Comment class needs to be mapped. The @EntityListeners annotation is used with the AuditingEntityListener implementation to dynamically populate the createdDate and createdBy properties annotated with @CreatedDate and @CreatedBy in the Comment domain model when persisting the comment entry into the table. The @Data annotation is from the Lombok library and used to mark a POJO as a class that will hold data. This means getters, setters, the equals method, the hashCode method, and the toString method will be generated for that class.

The @Id annotation marks the ID property as the identity field of the entity, whereas @GeneratedValue marks it as an auto-generated value. The @Enumerated annotation with value EnumType.STRING on the type property is used to notify JPA that the value of the enum CommentType needs to be persisted as a String type in the database. 

Implementing the domain model User will look like the following:

@Table(name = "rb_user")
public class User {

private Long id;

private String username;

private String password;

private String role;


The preceding class also does the same things as the Comment class. The newly added annotations, which are also from the Lombok library,  are @AllArgsConstructor, which will generate a constructor with the id, username, password, and role properties, and @NoArgsConstructor, which will generate a default constructor.