To my mother, Kadiza , and my father, Abdulhaque , for their sacrifices and restless dedication.
I pray to my Lord , "B estow on them thy mercy even as they cherished me in childhood."
To my wife, Samreen , for being my loving partner and a best friend throughout our joint life journey.
To my son, Abdulahad , and my daughter Aminah , for their unconditional love and for giving me a joyful life.
To my cousin, Sufiyan , for his support and motivation.
I pray to my Lord , "B estow on them thy mercy even as they cherished me in childhood."
To my wife, Samreen , for being my loving partner and a best friend throughout our joint life journey.
To my son, Abdulahad , and my daughter Aminah , for their unconditional love and for giving me a joyful life.
To my cousin, Sufiyan , for his support and motivation.