The pfSense community
There will be times when you encounter a problem that cannot be solved by referencing this book or by troubleshooting the problem yourself. Although this book provides a detailed procedure for troubleshooting in Chapter 11, Diagnostics and Troubleshooting, it is often expedient to refer the problem to those who are more knowledgeable about pfSense than you are. In such cases, you can turn to the online pfSense community.
The official pfSense forums have recently moved to Netgate's website, which has reorganized the forums and added several more (including many devoted to pfSense international support). Anyone can read the forums, but in order to post on the forums, you must register, which requires you to provide a name and email address. Participation in the official forums can be an effective way of resolving problems and increasing your knowledge of pfSense.
Reddit has its own pfSense forum, and members of the pfSense development team often participate in this forum. Although Reddit isn't everyone's cup of tea, it is a good place to find out the latest pfSense news, ask questions, and (hopefully) get answers.
Also worth mentioning is the Spiceworks pfSense forum. Spiceworks is a professional network for the IT community. Although the company has its headquarters in Austin, Texas, it has an international presence as well. Their pfSense forum also has polls and how-to guides.
Finally, for those who find it easier to watch videos, there are many useful how-to video guides available online. An online search for the pfSense topic in which you need assistance will often turn up multiple videos, of varying degrees of complexity and clarity. YouTube is the most obvious place to look for such videos, although other video sites, such as Vimeo, also have pfSense-related content.