About the reviewers
Sachin Wagh is a young information security researcher from India. His core area of expertise includes penetration testing, vulnerability analysis, and exploit development. He has found security vulnerabilities in Google, Tesla Motors, LastPass, Microsoft, F-Secure, and other companies. Due to the severity of many bugs discovered, he has received numerous awards for his findings. He has participated in several security conferences as a speaker, such as Hack In Paris, Infosecurity Europe, and HAKON.
I would specially like to thank Shweta Pant and Drashti Panchal for offering me this opportunity. I would also like to thank my family and close friends for supporting me.
Himanshu Sharma has already achieved fame for finding security loopholes and vulnerabilities in Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Adobe, Uber, and many more, with hall of fame listings as proof. He has helped celebrities such as Harbhajan Singh, and also assisted an international singer in tracking down his hacked account and recovering it. He was a speaker at the international conferences Botconf 2013 and CONFidence 2018. He has also spoken at IEEE conferences in California and Malaysia, as well as for TEDx. Currently, he is the cofounder of BugsBounty, a crowd-sourced security platform for ethical hackers and companies interested in cyber services. He has also authored a book titled Kali Linux - An Ethical Hacker's Cookbook.