CompTIA Linux+ Certification Guide


  1. Which option with the dpkg command is used to display the packages that dpkg is managing on a system?

A. dpkg -a
B. dpkg -l
C. dpkg -i
D. dpkg –d

  1. Which option with dpkg-query is used to show a human-readable description of a package?

A. dpkg-query -a
B. dpkg-query-c
C. dpkg-query -s
D. dpkg-query-r

  1. Which log file is used to display dpkg package-related messages?

A. cat /var/log/dpkg.log
B. cat /var/dpkg/dpkg.log
C. cat /var/dpkg-query/dpkg.log
D. cat /var/log/dpkg.dpkg

  1. Which option is used to display packages that are installed with the dpkg command?

A. dpkg --get-selections
B. dpkg –set-selections
C. dpkg –get-selection
D. dpkg-query –get-selection

  1. Which option is used to add a package using the dpkg command?

A. dpkg -e
B. dpkg –r
C. dpkg -Add
D. dpkg -i

  1. Which option is used to remove a package along with its configuration files using the dpkg command?

A. dpkg -p
B. dpkg-e
C. dpkg -P
D. dpkg-a

  1. Which option is used to update apt cache?

A. apt-get -c
B. apt-get update
C. apt-get upgrade
D. apt-get -u

  1. Which command is used to search the cache for a package?

A. apt-get search
B. apt-cache search
C. apt-get -update
D. apt-get clean

  1. Which option is used to remove a package and its configuration using the apt command?

A. apt-get remove
B. apt-get purge
C. apt-get --remove
D. apt-get --update

  1. Which option is used to update the package list using the aptitude command?

A. aptitude purge
B. aptitude clean
C. aptitude update
D. aptitude --clean