Getting ready
The starting point is to find a package that will be of use in our project.
A great one is requests, a module that deals with HTTP requests and is known for its easy and intuitive interface, as well as its great documentation. Take a look at the documentation, which can be found here: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/.
We'll use requests throughout this book when dealing with HTTP connections.
The next step will be to choose the version to use. In this case, the latest (2.18.4, at the time of writing) will be perfect. If the version of the module is not specified, by default, it will install the latest version, which can lead to inconsistencies in different environments.
We'll also use the great delorean module for time handling (version 1.0.0 http://delorean.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).