R Programming Fundamentals

Activity: Creating Vectors, Lists, Matrices, and Dataframes


You have been asked to create vectors, lists, matrices, and dataframes that store information about yourself. The expected output is as follows:


To create vectors, lists, matrices, and dataframes.


Make sure that you have R and RStudio installed on your machine.

Steps for Completion

  1. Open a new R script and save it as a file called lesson1_activityB2.R.

  2. Create vectors for the following: 

    • The numbers 1:10

    • The letters A:Z, with the first four numbers and letters alternating

Hint: type ?LETTERS into your console.
  1. Create lists for the following:
    • The numbers 1:10
    • The letters A:Z
    • A list of lists:
      • Your favorite foods (two or more)
      • Your favorite TV shows (three or more)
      • Things you like to do (four or more)
  2. Create matrices of numbers and letters by using the following steps:
    1. First, try using cbind() to combine the vector 1:10 and the vector A:Z. What happens?
    2. Figure out a way to combine these two into a matrix, albeit one that will be coerced to character type (despite the numeric column).
  3. Create dataframes using the following steps:
    1. Coerce your matrix solution from the previous second bullet point into a dataframe. View it and take note of the type of each variable.
    2. Use rbind.data.frame() to build a data frame where the rows increase by five until 25, for example, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25.
    3. View it and notice how ugly the column names are. Give it better names ("one" through "five") with the names() function.