Choosing an IDE
Which IDE you use is down to personal preference; there are a few great ones out there, including Atom, Komodo, and Brackets. If you already have a personal favorite then you can use that, but all of the examples will use Visual Studio Code (VS Code).
VS Code is an open source IDE developed by Microsoft and is made for macOS, Linux, and Windows. It has built-in support for JavaScript, Node, and TypeScript and you can install extensions from the extension library. These extensions are one of the biggest advantages to using VS Code as they allow you to customize so much about your experience. From colored indentations to linting, from better icons to auto-formatters. They vary from the sort of interesting to the making your life far easier.
As well as the extensions, VS Code has more great features such as an integrated terminal, Git integration, and a built-in debugger. If you've not tried it before, I would recommend trying it out for a week and seeing how it compares to your current IDE of choice.
To install VS Code, just go to code.visualstudio.com and download the version you need for your operating system.