Building the iOS demo app
If you are not very familiar with iOS application building, please look at some basic tutorials for this. You need to install cocoapods to install all the dependencies:
sudo gem install cocoapods
There is a shell script available to download the model files required to run this application:
sh tensorflow/contrib/lite/examples/ios/download_models.sh
You can go to the project directory and install pod from the command line:
cd tensorflow/contrib/lite/examples/ios/camera
pod install
pod update
Once the update is done, you should be able to see tflite_camera_example.xcworkspace. Then, you can open the application in Xcode. You can use the following command as well:
open tflite_camera_example.xcworkspace
It is now time to build and run the application on your iPhone.
You need to allow the app the user permissions for camera usage. Use the camera to point to objects, and start seeing the classification results!