Learn QGIS


Now that we have added some data to the Layers window, the data will appear in the map. The following screenshot shows two layers that I have added to the map: one vector (forest_stands_2012) and one raster (basic_map):

QGIS with some data added

The data has appeared! Notice that the projection in the information bar has changed; QGIS 3 supports on-the-fly projections. Finally, we have to save the project.The new default format is .qgz. Select Project | Save, and the window shown in the following screenshot will appear:

Saving a QGIS project

If you now click Project | New, you should see your saved project in the Browser window:

How the project appears in the Browser window

To load the project again, double-click on the project name.

You can sometimes open QGIS 2.x projects in QGIS 3, but you cannot open QGIS 3 projects in QGIS 2.x, so be careful.