Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE

Data types in Kotlin

The basic data types in Kotlin are numbers, characters, Boolean, arrays, and strings. These are described as follows:

  • Number: Kotlin provides the following built-in types that represent numbers, similar to Java:
Unlike in Java, c haracters are not nu mbers in Kotlin.
    • Byte: Byte is a one-byte or 8-bit type for which values range from -128 to 127
    • Short: Short is a two-byte or 16-bit type for which values range from -32768 to 32767
    • Int: Int is a four-byte or 32-bit type for which values range from -2^31 to 2^31-1
    • Long: Long is an eight-byte or 64-bit type that can have values from -2^63 to 2^63-1
    • Double: Double is a double-precision, 8-byte, or 64-bit floating point
    • Float: Float is a single-precision, 4-byte or 32-bit floating point
    • Char: Char is used to represent a character in Kotlin, two-byte or 16-bit long, and is used to represent unicode characters

Char is a type used to represent characters. This is represented as follows:

val ch = 'a'
  • Boolean: Kotlin has a Boolean type to represent Booleans. It takes either true or false:
val isValid = true
val flag = false
If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, you can place your cursor inside the variable and press Ctrl + Shift + P to see its type.