Apache Superset Quick Start Guide

Conventions used

There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

CodeInText: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: "Our datasets will be public tables from Google BigQuery and .csv files from a variety of web resources, which we will upload to PostgreSQL."

A block of code is set as follows:

gunicorn -w 3
-k gevent
--timeout 120

Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev python-pip libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev

Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For example, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. Here is an example: "After launching, on the VM instances screen, we can see that our g1-small GCE instance is up and running!"

Warnings or important notes appear like this.
Tips and tricks appear like this.