Assignment Operators
The assignment operator = assigns an lvalue (a variable) on the left with the result of the rvalue (a variable or expression) on the right:
int x = 10;
x = x + 10;
The first line declares an integer and initializes it to 10. The second line alters the variable by adding another 10 to it, so now the variable x has a value of 20. This is the assignment. C++ allows you to change the value of a variable based on the variable's value using an abbreviated syntax. The previous lines can be written as follows:
int x = 10;
x += 10;
An increment operator such as this (and the decrement operator) can be applied to integers and floating-point types. If the operator is applied to a pointer, then the operand indicates how many whole items addresses the pointer is changed by. For example, if an int is 4 bytes and you add 10 to an int pointer, the actual pointer value is incremented by 40 (10 times 4 bytes).
In addition to the increment (+=) and decrement (-=) assignments, you can have assignments for multiply (*=), divide (/=), and remainder (%=). All of these except for the last one (%=) can be used for both floating-point types and integers. The remainder assignment can only be used on integers.
You can also perform bitwise assignment operations on integers: left shift (<<=), right shift (>>=), bitwise AND (&=), bitwise OR (|=), and bitwise exclusive OR (^=). It usually only makes sense to apply these to unsigned integers. So, multiplying by eight can be carried out by both of these two lines:
i *= 8;
i <<= 3;