The ArcGIS Map visual
The final map we will talk about is the ArcGIS Map visual; this one is very different in that there is an option to pay for additional features. Also, the location where you can make visual changes to the map is different as well. Normally, we would access the Format Area but for this map, you must hit the ellipsis in the upper-right corner of the visual and choose the Edit option. We will be focusing on a couple of areas here, but there are lots of options that are worth exploring. Let's take a look on how to configure the ArcGIS Map visual.
Let's look at, setting up the visual:
- We should have one more section available within the report canvas to place this last visual, so let's select the ArcGIS Map visual.
- Just like the Shape Map, we are unable to select multiple fields to populate the Location section; we will use StateProvinceNanme for our example. You will notice that after loading the information there will be a small yellow ribbon at the bottom saying that it failed to load some of the information. This is fine because this field contains provinces that are outside the United States.
- The only other field that we will map for this visual will be the Total Sales measure, and we will use this for the Color section.
This visual is ready to go with the configuration that we have set, but if we want to change how things look we must go a new route. In the upper right-hand corner you will see an ellipsis; left-click this and choose the Edit option. This brings us to a display that looks very similar to Focus Mode, but you will notice there are quite a few options at the top of the map. The first area we will visit to make a slight change will be the Symbol Style option. Here, we can control the level of transparency as well as the color palette being used. Select the dropdown menu for the Color Ramp option, and choose whatever selection you find enjoyable. This is the only change we will be making for our example, but you should take the time and examine all the other options available to you. Remember, there are even more options to choose from if you decided to subscribe and pay for this visual. All of these maps are very similar but each has a specific functionality that does not exist in the others. The traditional Map and Filled Map visuals are the most common ones used, but you will need to decide when one might illustrate your data set better than the other.