Who this book is for
This book is designed for intermediate and advanced developers who already have experience of another programming language and some experience of Swift.
Those readers with no previous experience in Swift may find an examination of the basics in the first part of the book beneficial.
The second part demonstrates how to implement the classic creational, behavioral, and structural design patterns, as well as those peculiar to Swift patterns. In this section, experienced developers will find both similarities and differences with their favorite programming language.
This isn't an academic book, but it aspires to show readers how to implement an app in a pragmatic and practical way. Consequently, the third part is devoted to how to implement an application architecture, presenting patterns such as MVC and MVVM, as well as how to create a couple of modules loosely with dependency injection, and how to handle asynchronous code with futures, promises and reactive programming.
The final part shows how to make apps robust and maintainable. After providing advanced readers with an overview of the Swift testing ecosystem, particular attention is given to the open source maintainers between the readers, showing how to release and maintain a Swift open source package or app.