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Of course, all these checks are very good, but if you had to stop working, save everything, and run a separate tool each time you wanted to check for problems in your code, it would soon become unbearable. However, with VSC you can add a plugin to interact with ESLint in real time. Go to the extensions view and search for ESLint; you should find and install an extension, currently at version 1.7.2 (March 2018), written by Dirk Baeumer.
Once you install this extension, errors will be shown on screen with a wavy red underline, and if you mouse over them, you'll get an explanation about the failed rule. Take a look at the for an example:

There are very few configuration items for ESLint; the only one I use is "eslint.alwaysShowStatus": true, so the status bar will show whether ESLint is enabled or not.