Dedication to customer success
The folks at Google understand the perceived risks in adopting the public cloud. Giving up control over your infrastructure can be scary. Every business is unique in their technology needs, and there are many unknowns. Instead of a one-size-fits-all model of cold documentation and endless FAQs, Google is dedicated to providing a customer-centric experience to help you build the best possible solutions on GCP. The Google Cloud team has internalized this ideology and formalized it into the practice of Customer Reliability Engineering.
With Customer Reliability Engineering, or CRE, Google is taking a vested interest in the reliability of your applications. This goes beyond the reliability of the underlying cloud services your application is running on. CRE realizes that the primary concern of teams running applications on Google Cloud is not the reliability of GCP itself, but rather the reliability of the applications those teams are responsible for. The reliability of the Google Cloud infrastructure is, of course, a factor in the reliability of your applications (and those grounds are well covered—see https://landing.google.com/sre), but Google is determined to go beyond delivering a stable platform to ensuring that the applications running on the platform are built for reliability as well.