What is the Circuit Playground Express?
The Adafruit Circuit Playground Express is an inexpensive, yet versatile microcontroller with a rich set of input and output devices that comes built-in with the device. The following are some of the main hardware features present in this device:
- 10 mini NeoPixels, each with the ability to display a full range of colors
- As motion sensor (triple-axis accelerometer with tap detection and free-fall detection)
- A temperature sensor
- A light sensor
- A sound sensor
- A mini speaker
- Two push buttons, which are labeled A and B
- A slide switch
- An infrared receiver and transmitter
- Eight alligator-clip friendly input/output pins
- Supports I2C and PWM output
- Seven capacitive touch inputs
- A red LED
- A reset button
- An ATSAMD21 ARM Cortex M0 processor, running at 3.3 V and 48 MHz
- 2 MB of flash storage
- A micro USB port for connecting to a PC
These will be the only required devices for eight chapters. Later chapters will introduce a different set of devices.
Please refer to https://learn.adafruit.com/welcome-to-circuitpython?view=all for more information.