Unity Game Optimization

Remote connection to an Android device

There are two different methods for connecting an Android device to the Unity Profiler: either through a Wi-Fi connection or by using the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool. Either of these approaches will work from an Apple macOS, or a Windows PC.

Perform the following steps to connect an Android device over a Wi-Fi connection:

  1. Ensure that the Development Build and Autoconnect Profiler flags are enabled when the application is built
  2. Connect both the Android and desktop devices to a local Wi-Fi network
  3. Attach the Android device to the desktop device via a USB cable
  4. Begin building the application with the Build & Run option as usual
  5. Open the Profiler window in the Unity Editor and select the device under Connected Player

The application should then be built and pushed to the Android device through the USB connection, and the Profiler should connect through the Wi-Fi connection. You should then see the Android device's profiling data gathering in the Profiler window.

The second option is to use ADB. This is a suite of debugging tools that comes bundled with the Android Software Development Kit (SDK). For ADB profiling, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the Android SDK is installed by following Unity's guide for Android SDK/NDK setup: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/android-sdksetup.html
  2. Connect the Android device to your desktop machine via the USB cable
  3. Ensure that the Development Build and Autoconnect Profiler flags are enabled when the application is built
  4. Begin building the application with the Build & Run option as usual
  5. Open the Profiler window in the Unity Editor and select the device under Connected Player

You should now see the Android device's profiling data gathering in the Profiler window.

To troubleshoot problems with building Android applications and connecting the Profiler to them, consult the following documentation page: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/TroubleShootingAndroid.html.