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Adding and modifying legacy form controls

If you want to create greater protection in terms of restricting users so that they can only access certain parts of the form or be guided only from one content control to the next, then legacy form controls are the way to go. Let's take a look:

  1. In a new, blank document, type in the following text, exactly as it's shown here:
  1. Save the form as SampleForm.docx.
  2. Click the Name: text and use the Legacy Forms icon to insert the text field from the Developer tab:
  1. Do the same for Surname: field.
  2. Click after Age: and insert a drop-down field.
  3. Click after School House and insert another drop-down field.
  4. After u/16 High Jump, insert a checkbox field.
  5. Do the same for each of the other events.
  6. Your form should look similar to the following example:
  1. To investigate properties for each of the fields you have inserted, simply double-click to access the dialog box on the field you would like to edit. Fields are displayed with gray fill shading once they've been inserted into the document. For instance, the School House drop-down field needs to list the sports houses within the school.
  2. To list the options so that the user can select an answer, double-click on the gray field you inserted next to School House:. Then, in the dialog box that appears, type Ruby into the text area at the top left and click on Add>>.
  3. The text Ruby appears in the Items in the drop-down list area. Repeat this until you have entered all three houses into the list. If you prefer to have a generic item at the top of the list instead of one of the required answers, add an item called Click to select an answer and move it to the top of the list using the Move arrows to the right:
  1. Click on OK to confirm.
  2. Complete the form field options by double-clicking them, making changes, and saving.
  1. The form should look similar to the following:

Your form is now complete and ready to be protected so that users cannot edit the actual text on the form and only answer the questions.