Test automation
To continuously deliver value to your end users, you will have to release fast and often. This has implications for the way you test your application. You can no longer execute manual tests when you release your application every few minutes. This means that you have to automate as many of your tests as possible.
You will most likely want to create multiple test suites for your applications that you run at different stages of your delivery pipeline. Fast unit tests that run within a few minutes and that are executed whenever a new pull request is opened should give your team very quick feedback on the quality of their work and should catch most of the errors. Next, the team should run one or more slower test suites later in the pipeline to further increase your confidence in the quality of a version of your application.
All of this should limit the amount of manual testing to a bare minimum and allow you to automatically deploy new versions of your application with confidence.
Chapter 8, Continuous Testing, of this book will cover test automation in detail.