The relation between DevOps and Agile
If you take a look at Agile, you might notice that part of it is the focus on business value and shortening the time between the delivery of a new business value. From that perspective, adopting DevOps is a logical next step after Agile. Agile advocates that the software development teams' responsibilities should extend forward by engaging with users and other stakeholders to more quickly deliver valuable potentially shippable products. DevOps is all about not just creating something that might be shipped, but really shipping it as well. With Agile and DevOps combined, you can create an end-to-end, continuous flow of value to your users.
One of the things you need to be able to do this is a common approach to managing the work to be done for everyone involved. In the next section, you will find some pointers on how to incorporate operational concerns in the way you manage your work.