High availability concepts
In this section, we will start our journey into high availability by exploring the concepts and building blocks of reliable and highly available systems. The million (trillion?) dollar question is, how do we build reliable and highly available systems from unreliable components? Components will fail; you can take that to the bank. Hardware will fail; networks will fail; configuration will be wrong; software will have bugs; people will make mistakes. Accepting that, we need to design a system that can be reliable and highly available even when components fail. The idea is to start with redundancy, detect component failure, and replace bad components quickly.
Redundancy is the foundation of reliable and highly available systems at the hardware and data levels. If a critical component fails and you want the system to keep running, you must have another identical component ready to go. Kubernetes itself takes care of your stateless pods via replication controllers and replica sets. But, your cluster state in etcd and the master components themselves need redundancy to function when some components fail. In addition, if your system's stateful components are not backed up by redundant storage (for example, on a cloud platform), then you need to add redundancy to prevent data loss.
Hot swapping
Hot swapping is the concept of replacing a failed component on the fly without taking the system down, with minimal (ideally, zero) interruption for users. If the component is stateless (or its state is stored in separate redundant storage), then hot swapping a new component to replace it is easy and just involves redirecting all clients to the new component. But, if it stores local state, including in memory, then hot swapping is not trivial. There are two main options:
- Give up on in-flight transactions
- Keep a hot replica in sync
The first solution is much simpler. Most systems are resilient enough to cope with failures. Clients can retry failed requests and the hot-swapped component will service them.
The second solution is more complicated and fragile, and will incur a performance overhead because every interaction must be replicated to both copies (and acknowledged). It may be necessary for some parts of the system.
Leader election
Leader or master election is a common pattern in distributed systems. You often have multiple identical components that collaborate and share the load, but one component is elected as the leader and certain operations are serialized through the leader. You can think of distributed systems with leader election as a combination of redundancy and hot swapping. The components are all redundant and, when the current leader fails or becomes unavailable, a new leader is elected and hot-swapped in.
Smart load balancing
Load balancing is about distributing the workload across multiple replicas that service incoming requests. This is useful for scaling up and down under heavy load by adjusting the number of replicas. When some replicas fail, the load balancer will stop sending requests to failed or unreachable components. Kubernetes will provision new replicas, restore capacity, and update the load balancer. Kubernetes provides great facilities to support this via services, endpoints, replica sets, labels, and ingress controllers.
Many types of failure can be temporary. This is most common with networking issues or with too-stringent timeouts. A component that doesn't respond to a health check will be considered unreachable and another component will take its place. Work that was scheduled for the presumably failed component may be sent to another component. But the original component may still be working and complete the same work. The end result is that the same work may be performed twice. It is very difficult to avoid this situation. To support exactly-once semantics, you need to pay a heavy price in overhead, performance, latency, and complexity. Thus, most systems opt to support at-least-once semantics, which means it is OK for the same work to be performed multiple times without violating the system's data integrity. This property is called idempotency. Idempotent systems maintain their state even if an operation is performed multiple times.
When component failures occur in dynamic systems, you usually want the system to be able to heal itself. Kubernetes replication controllers and replica sets are great examples of self-healing systems. But failure can extend well beyond pods. Self-healing starts with the automated detection of problems followed by an automated resolution. Quotas and limits help create checks and balances to ensure automated self-healing doesn't run amok due to unpredictable circumstances such as DDOS attacks. Self-healing systems deal very well with transient failures by retrying failed operations and escalating failures only when it's clear there is no other option. Some self-healing systems have fallback paths including serving cached content if up-to-date content is unavailable. Self-healing systems attempt to degrade gracefully and keep working until the core issue can be fixed.
In this section, we considered various concepts involved in creating reliable and highly available systems. In the next section, we will apply them and demonstrate best practices for systems deployed on Kubernetes clusters.