When governing multiple subscriptions, you will probably need to know exactly who is its owner. The recommended way of naming them can be found in the documentation (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/ready/azure-best-practices/naming-and-tagging):
<Company> <Department (optional)> <Product Line (optional)> <Environment>
Here, we're assuming the following parameters:
- Company: TheCloudTheory
- Department: IT
- Product Line: CRM
- Environment: Dev
You will get the following result:
TheCloudTheory IT CRM Dev
Personally, I dislike empty spaces between the names of my resources, so I would slightly modify the example and add dashes to get the following result:
Of course, this is not the only available option here. Let's prepare some other examples:
Depending on the actual scenario, you may or may not need to use the department of the company here. However, it is not always possible to predict whether your company or client will need extra subscriptions. We can avoid situations where we have the following subscriptions under our command:
To do this, always try to implement at least three different parameters in the names so that you are secure in case any modifications are made later.