亨特利──七屆世界桌球冠軍Stephen Hendry
When Marco Fu is on top form, he is my favourite snooker player to watch. He plays the game with a minimum of fuss, he sees the correct shot quickly, and just gets on with it.
He is a very easy player to commentate on because he plans exactly the same shots that I would have played. Off the table he is an absolute gentleman and a credit to his family and Hong Kong itself.
I have known Marco since he came to Scotland more than twenty years ago to practise in Spencers Snooker Club where I practised. We had some great sessions together and there were lots of days when I just picked the balls out for him.
I can honestly say he hasn’t changed, except now, as a player he has become one of the best players in the world and should continue to win many more titles in the future and possibly become Asia’s first World Champion.