Globally, more than 5 million children were born through assisted reproductive tech- nologies since the the birth of the first test-tube baby Louise Brown in July 1978 follo- wing the first successfull in vitro fertilization in humans by Patrik Steptoe and Bob Ed- ward. Modern techniques of reproductive medicine are a cornerstone in the spectrum of tre- atment options for couples with fertility problems. The increase in the overall IVF success rates is based on a worldwide refinement of the stimulation regimes and the IVF techniques. There is a rapid progress in the field of reproductive genetics with prenatal detection of genetic disorders of the unborne babies analysing the maternal blood, preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) after biopsy of polar bodies, blastomeres or trophectoderm cells, new biomarkers, new biosimilars in the field of gonadotropins, but also new surgical procedures (eg, uterus transplantation). In the field of the IVF laboratory, new diagnostic techniques allow a better assessment of embryonic deve- lopment, leading to increased pregnancy rate. Furthermore non-invasive gamete selection embryo evaluation and selection, trophectoderm expansion, a new look on blastocyst scoring, time-lapse imaging to uncover the course of embryonic development and finally metabolomics. Ethics in human reproductive is also an important is sue worldwide.

Xiangyan Ruan

O.Alfred Mueck

Thomas Rabe
New Approaches in reproductive biology include furthermoren vitrification of oocytes and embryos. Cryopreservation of gametes, oocytes in the pronuclear stage early blastocysts as well as small ovarian biopsies was optimized. In cancer patients, these techniques make it possible by preserve fertility prior to chemotherapy, radiation or ovariectomy - giving the patient a chance to receive her own child after survival of her cancer disease.
As part of the joint international collaboration between the University Women's Hospital in Beijing / China, the University Women's Hospital in Tübingen / Germany and the University Women's Hospital in Heidelberg / Germany, this second volume of the series “Hot Topics in the field of Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine” emerged:
“Hot Topics in Reproductive Endocrinology and Reproduction.”
The book contains some of the latest position papers of the ESHRE about PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and next generation embryos, reviews on reproductive prenatal genetics, reproductive biology, contributions focusing on premature ovarian failure, the role of DHEA in the context of ovarian hyperstimulation, new develop- ments of gonadotropins for controlled ovarian overstimulation, new treatment regimens for fibroid and modern non-invasive laboratory techniques in assisted reproduction (time lapse imaging, metabolomics). Thanks to all friends worldwiede for the re valuable contributions in this book.
The corresponding book series, which is to be performed annually, should introduce and evaluate joint research results, important clinical observations and recommendations, new therapeutic approaches and drugs. We wish this book a wide circulation and are open to suggestions and criticism and would be delighted if we could win in the framework of international cooperation interested authors for the next projects.

Professor Xiangyan Ruan, MD
Director of the Department of Endocrinology for Gynecology, Director of the Menopause Clinic, and Director for the Fertility Protection Centre
Beijing Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital Capital Medical University, China

Professor Alfred O. Mueck, MD, PhD
Capital Medical University, Beijing OB/GYN Hospital, WHO Centre, China; Honorary Director und Professuren für Experim. Endokrinologie und für Klin.Pharmakologie
Beijing Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital Capital Medical University, China

Professor Thomas Rabe, MD, PhD
Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology
President of the German Society of Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine; University Women's Hospital
69120 Heidelberg; Germany