仝佳媛1, 2,谷清水1, 2,左国玉1, 2
1. 北京工业大学信息学部,北京市,100124;
Tong Jiayuan1, 2,Gu Qingshui1, 2,Zuo Guoyu1, 2
1. Beijing University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing City, 100124;
2. Beijing Key Lab of the Computational Intelligence and Intelligent System, Beijing City, 100124
Abstract:In modern society, people have more and more needs for emotional companionship. Robot pets provide a good way of emotional interaction. This paper designs a kind of emotional interaction robot that looks like a pillow and has action analysis function. The robot performs emotional analysis on stroking action, identifies all kinds of human emotional stroking, sleeping, hugging and other actions. The robot responses to human's action emotion in different ways, such as wagging tail and making sound. Firstly, this paper designs the robot system from three aspects:parameter extraction, motion emotion recognition and analysis, and robot emotional feedback. Secondly, the stm32 controller is used to realize the human motion perception, the motion expression of the tail steering gear and the human-computer voice interaction function of the robot. The virtual robot system is constructed and synchronized with the real robot's tail. Finally, BP neural network emotional analysis method is used to conduct emotional analysis of human action and emotional feedback. Experiments show that the physical system and the emotional analysis method of the robot prove the validity of the designed robot system to a certain extent, and achieve the design goal.
Keywords:Emotional robots;Pet robot;Emotional analysis;BP neural network;System design